About Us
A multidisciplinary team that provides cutting-edge, state-of-the-art medical care for its patients throughout the greater Rhode Island community.
About Us
A multidisciplinary team that provides cutting-edge, state-of-the-art medical care for its patients throughout the greater Rhode Island community.
Our History
The history of anesthesiology in Rhode Island stretches back to the earliest days of the specialty. Over a century ago, former chairman Dr. Albert Miller helped further our understanding of concepts that are integral to modern practice. He was among the first to measure anesthetic depth, and made his department the first to universally document an anesthetic record for each case. His commitment to perioperative medicine would be assumed by his successor, Dr. Meyer Saklad, who developed the ASA Classification system in the 1940s. Since then, our department has grown and constantly transformed to meet the needs of patients with increasingly sophisticated medical needs. Through all the change that has given rise to the present group at Brown Anesthesiology, the same vision and commitment to furthering the specialty has endured.
Education has been a cornerstone of the department for generations. Brown-affiliated anesthesiologists have a celebrated history of training future leaders in the field at the resident and medical student level. After assisting in the formal training of hundreds of anesthesiologists over the past half-century, Brown proudly began its own ACGME-accredited residency program in July of 2018. An educational mission conceived by Dr. Miller in 1899 is now supported by a department of over 100 professionals including residents, nurse anesthetists, researchers and board-certified anesthesiologists. The days of open-cone ether have given way to ever-evolving anesthetic techniques, each generation more elegant than the last. Motivated by these echoes of the past, trainees at Brown are challenged to become the next leaders in the field.
Our Mission
The Brown Department of Anesthesiology is committed to a standard of excellence in education, patient care, research and service to the community. The department will foster a nurturing and inquisitive environment that emphasizes lifelong learning in the endeavor to advance the practice of anesthesiology. All patients, independent of background, will be universally treated with compassion and dignity.
As a Lifespan affiliate hospital, the mission of Rhode Island Hospital is "Delivering Health with Care". Rhode Island Hospital and our department are committed to being at the forefront of patient care by creating, applying and sharing the most advanced knowledge of health care. One mechanism to achieve this mission is through the commitment to graduate medical education
Academic Aims
The Brown Anesthesiology residency program aims to train the next generation of consultant anesthesiologists to:
- Assess and optimize patients in preparation for surgery and anesthesia;
- Relieve and prevent pain, both acute and chronic;
- Monitor and attempt to maintain normal physiology during surgery and anesthesia;
- Manage critically-ill patients, both in the OR and ICU settings;
- Diagnose and treat acute, chronic, and cancer related pain;
- Manage and teach pulmonary and cardiac resuscitation;
- Conduct clinical science and/or translational science research;
- Supervise, teach and evaluate performance in both medical and paramedical personnel;
- Demonstrate leadership in the delivery of quality healthcare, especially in the perioperative environment;
- Practice prudent fiscal resource stewardship; and
- Adhere to the highest moral and ethical standards within the practice of medicine.